воскресенье, 23 февраля 2020 г.


Support for PostgreSQL database to store info about users. Commands starting with another character are usually used as chat when hub send them to client or ignored in client to client connection. Compile errors on Haiku OS. Now go to Start and type cmd in start search and open command prompt and type ipconfig 5. User Tools Register Log In. Crash in profilemanager if no profile selected and remove is pressed thx NightLitch for report. ptokax dc hub

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Comparison of Direct Connect software - Wikipedia

By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. These are the 5. Missing GB translation in!

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PtokaX forum - Info Center. Permission for profile to not check IP. These are the 4.

PtokaX DC Hub Download

Your opinions about the forum Write your opinion about the forum into that part of the board IP64 and IPv4 protocol extensions support. Often used to draw in users to hubs, or make private or small hubs more widely known. Bugs This is a place to discuss bugs.

Hublist registering, complete new code. IPv6 support to bans and range bans. Bug in lua and hubcommand to del reg user thx GeceBekcisi for report. Hubs often have special areas of interest. NMDC project on 19 January, RemoveProfile in Lua api now accept profile number as param. Line numbers to script editor.

If you have a script which is for an older version of Lua, you can request an upgrade for it here. Buffer overflow caused by sending of long data from lua. Error message on script error now contains hb, when available.

Redirect address point to PtokaX alpha test hub.

Comparison of Direct Connect software

Hib not directly supported by the protocol, hub linking software exists. Missing profile change when registered user was removed from gui and was online thx CrazyGuy for report. I guess as an admin i will have to prefer windows as both opendchub and ptokax are not working for me right now. This site uses cookies.

How to setup Own DC++ HUB using ptokax dchub |Problem Solving Algorithms

I am a hub admin in my college and it really pains me that there is no linux GUI hub server. But it is same as with ASCII when software is running on Operating systems with different encoding most visible when one side rc using western encoding and other russian encoding. Sending userip to user before userlist, now is corectly after thx CrazyGuy for report.

Resolve code from deprecated gethostbyname to getaddrinfo.

ptokax dc hub

Enabled Data Execution Prevention for 32bit windoze version when system support that. User profile is set after correct password is received to disable possible exploit in scripts thx Alexey for report. Buggy chat input line after using some settings pages thx Potkax for report. IP and Port check in DC commands. Nick hashtables for userlist, reglist, nickbanlist for better performance.

Possible crash on closing some gui windows thx Alex82 for report. Any Python compatible platform.

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