пятница, 28 февраля 2020 г.


Fragmentation Tab Table of Contents. When this property is ON all points outside of geometry moves inside geometry. Defines amount of generated point clouds. Defines total amount of points in cloud, Seed: You can detach elements to separate fragments via Max Script. It is possible to use only one of these two Divergence properties at once. Animated 3D Cracks inside refractive object. rayfire fragmenter modifier

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rayfire fragmenter modifier

Awesome as always…my first love is TP but your tool is also very great fast n quick Thanks for sharing. Uses object's local Z axis as splinter direction Iteration: This might be useful if you have a lot of points in cloud and want to preview their distribution until activate Fragment button. Voronoi - Wood Splinters. By default you can see all points through the object. It is possible to use only one of these two Divergence properties at once.

Online help Advanced Fragmenter modifier. Define the distance in percents from original object's size. Object wukk be fragmented only after this button will be activated. Useful for window breaking.

RayFire Fragmentation Tab

Define amount of points generated in addition to each point in point cloud. Defines amount of generated point clouds. Defines total amount of points in cloud, Seed: Use vise, modidier can very quickly increase amount of points in point cloud.

All Voronoi frag types have their own properties. Generate more point at thin areas. Point Cloud Generation Point Cloud generation type: When this property is ON all points outside of geometry moves inside geometry. This thread has been automatically closed as it remained inactive for 12 months.

Fragmenter modifier | RayFire Studios

Usi ng RayFire Fragmenter modifier you can fragment objects into Voronoi fragments. Define amount of point in generated point cloud. If distance of thin area of object is fragmentfr than this value then this area will be used as Point Cloud. When this property is ON geometry will hide all inside points and you will see only points outside of geometry.

RayFire customer showreel Youtube Download. Useful if you want to fragment a lot of objects with different size at once.

Defines amount of points in each generated point clouds.

Fragmenter modifier

This modifier was replaced by Voronoi modifier in build 1. Define radial shift for points in each next ring.

rayfire fragmenter modifier

Secondary fragmentation supports all Voronoi fragmentation types except Wood Splinters type. To do so, you need to apply RayFire fragmenter modifier and evaluate this string: Some points might be generated outside of object's fragmentterso after fragmentation amount of fragments will be less than amount of points in point cloud.

Secondary Fragmentation Since Voronoi frag types uses RayFire Fragmenter modifier for fragmentation, you can define amount of modifiers which will be added before detaching fragments into separate objects. Fragment Generation Crack Width: Different points distributions, setting the same seed you can always get the same fragmentation pattern.

Detaches all elements of geometry to separate objects and destroy original objects. Creates fragments with about the same size.

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