пятница, 14 февраля 2020 г.


Not forgetting, Eminem, whose struggles inspired me when I first entered the music scene. You are commenting using your Facebook account. The teaser is as below:. You are commenting using your Google account. Therefore, we caught up with D7 as he tells us how his career and music has been shaping up so far. Also, I am currently working on 3 international collaborations line-up. sly squad ithu chumma trailer album 2012

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Who are your musical inspirations?

Notify me of new comments via email. Carey and I have a good rapport and I believe my crime partner and I will make this happen! Email required Address never made public. What are you working on at the moment?

sly squad ithu chumma trailer album 2012

By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. I am also presently working on my 2 nd album with S. My best wishes for sl and your entire S. Y Squad released their debut music album titled Ithu Chumma Trailer, little did they know that the album would immediately launch their careers in music.

sly squad ithu chumma trailer album 2012

Within this short span, D7 had undergone a surgery which threatened his music career and bounced back to perform with Anirudh in the recent IMS. This album is free to download and click on the image above to be redirected to the download link.

I would have settled in England or Italy to resume my football career.

Maunam Yennadhi - S.L.Y Squad'z

A big thank you for allowing us to conduct this interview and we wish him the best in his music career! Also, I am currently working on 3 international collaborations line-up. Not forgetting the TRAP team is going to be there! You are commenting using your Facebook account.

[Album] Ithu Chumma Trailer album by S.L.Y Squad

This was during my primary school talent search contest and I won 2 nd place out of 54 contestants mixed students. Stay tune with X Ent Crew by accessing their website at http: I have to convey my special thanks to the doctors and staffs that took itnu of me very well during this period. One of the most notable member in the group, D7 squqd his audience with his vocal skills.

Wishing al the very best for the whole sly squad team! Ithu Chumma Trailer album by S.

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The teaser is as below: This site uses cookies. Y Squad The poster explains everything that needs to be said.

Please do not miss this and support the effort. There is no such as music is universal for me.

oy: S.L.Y Squad'z ! Ithu Chumma Trailer !

You are commenting using your Google account. My musical inspiration — the one and only A. Skip to content He goes by the name D7 and he has been making waves coast to coast with his music outfit — S. However, Alnum can compose a melody by my own with proper guidance from the composers whom I have worked with. Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube. During last year, there was a time slbum you had to stop singing, was that the scariest moment in your entire music career?

sly squad ithu chumma trailer album 2012

After taking a hiatus nearly 2 xquad, S. Do you play any instruments? All the tracks in the mixtape is of different genre and it also contains a special tribute track for Superstar Rajinikanth in conjunction with his birthday and the release of Kochadhaiyan.

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