четверг, 13 февраля 2020 г.


In every case the generation of the drawings will be performed fully automatically. For the Revit model itself, the user can choose the whole model or only parts of it levels, families, etc. RevitPrecast Estimation is now collecting all this information and calculates the quantities and prices along the predefined rules. If you continue to use this site, we assume that you agree. For Columns and Beams, the program detects automatically the number and position of connections like for example brackets. For such prepared Revit families the program generates the predefined reinforcement automatically by a mouse click. With this Revit extension the user can automatically generate predefined reinforcement in Revit families. idat revit

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The parametrisation options include also the possibility to generate individual views or sections on each plan manually in a very simplified way.

The user parametrizes the program to his individual calculation method individually. For this a user defined and no restricted number of parameters and factors can be defined generally or panel addicted and integrated into the calculation process for example reinforcement grade, transport or design charges etc. Due to the fact that the reinforcement inside the family is defined over the edges of the bodies the position and geometry of the bars and stirrups will adapt automatically to the individual geometry of the family object.

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Revit Precast - IDAT

In every case the generation of the drawings will be performed fully automatically. RevitPrecast Estimation is now collecting all this information and calculates the quantities and prices along the predefined rules. With this Revit extension the user can automatically generate predefined reinforcement in Revit families. Subscribe to our Newsletter: For the selected Revit objects the user defines the type of precast part for example for wall families if it should be a Solid Wall, Sandwich Wall, Double Wall etc.

The basis for all calculations is a Revit building model. The position and size of the different information for example views, reinforcement tables, insert list etc.

Theoretically such a plan can be generated for every Revit assembly. It offers comprehensive options and extensions for individual plan layout definitions.

IDAT GmbH – Revit Precast – Autodesk Community

This works as well when the geometry of the family will be changed afterwards. After the calculation is started the program detects all revi and quantities from the Revit model and further some other specific data.

Over optional parameters the user can easily manage bar diameters, bending radius or hooks.

rwvit For other family types like slabs the same action according to this. Depending from the type of precast the user can define different plan layouts in advance.

Revit Precast

Calculations for precast Walls, Slabs, Columns, Beams or special parts like balconies or stairs are supported. Another important option is the automatic generation of several plans with different layouts for the same panel for example geometry, reinforcement, inserts etc.

Further a parametrized steel takeoff with according bending sketches can be placed on each plan individually by demand.

idat revit

For such prepared Revit families the program generates the predefined reinforcement automatically by a mouse click. This program allows a parametrized estimation of precast concrete projects for example for the generation fevit quotations.

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For Columns and Beams, the program detects automatically the number and position of connections like for example brackets. This program assists the user in the generation of shop drawings and site plans for precast concrete production directly inside Revit.

Further it is possible to define relationships to other reinforcement parts or panel edges concrete cover. Revit Precast Plan Configurator. For example, the program performs a virtual rveit of walls and slabs to determine the expected number of panels and also the number of panel related components like lifting anchors or part connectors.

With this program the automatic generation of shop drawings will be available for all precast types including Columns, Beams, Balconies or Stairs. For the Revit model itself, the iadt can choose the whole model or only parts of it levels, families, etc. Inside the family it is possible to define which kind of reinforcement should be generated in which area, distance and direction.

idat revit

If you continue to use this site, we assume that you agree. Further information can be found in our privacy policy.

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