пятница, 14 февраля 2020 г.


Apparently, he had called SCO and they refused to sell him a copy. There is a letter detailing the changes and a compressed file that should have the disk image buried in it. How can I boot multiple operating systems? Try it before you get eyestrain reading through the index. What can I check if ping doesn't work at all? sco unix 3.2v4.2

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I get messages saying "stat failed: How do I access online documentation from a browser? He had a custom application written about 15 years ago. Some print jobs from my application fail mysteriously. I've downloaded a driver.

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Why is 3.2g4.2 so old?

OpenServer - Wikipedia

How do I solve an "arglist too long"? On June 22,OpenServer 6.

How can I assign a user process to a specific pseudo tty so that I can control printer assignments? Can I replace csh with tcsh?


How can I write an image diskette from a Windows OS? Are there any 'Office'-like packages for SCO? Are there any Winzip compatible tools?

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I will sc the guy to clarify this, but he is somewhat confused although surprinsingly ressourceful for a non-IT guy. Hello Moto I hope someone can help We's here at work, have a unix box with sco openserver 5 on it, so it has a nice gui interface. Why do I get "cronsched: Filesystems, Disks and Memory. How can I back trace a process to its parents?

Why do I get "vhand spinning"? Where can I get information about how to control or program the scoansi console?

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How do I compress my backups? It includes support for large files, increased memory, and multi-threaded kernel light-weight processes. How can I install a new disk controller that requires a different driver? Can I add more swap space? It's definitely worth trying it. Where can I get older versions of SCO products? When a new user tries to login, it says the account is disabled- but it is not. When applying multiple SLS's, is it necessary to reboot between each patch application or could 32v4.2 apply all patches at once and then reboot?

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